Tuesday, September 24, 2013

International Conference on Trends and Movements in Contemporary Theatre

Thalai-K-Kol 25th Year Silver Jubilee Celebration

Thalai-K-Kol Theatre Group
International Conference on

 Trends and Movements in Contemporary Theatre
6th, 7th &8th Dec 2013
About the Conference
The conference aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share and discuss their ideas in order to endorse the drama and theatre arts in multidisciplinary aspects. The conference topic can be approached from various angles, in which all-inclusive arts and interdisciplinary perspectives, contemporary issues in the field of performing arts as well as theoretical and methodological approaches of innovative research work may take a prominent place. The conference also like to carry the research forward by consolidating the research that has happened and to move towards  unnoticed areas in this contemporary scenario, and also make the concept of trends in contemporary theatre as an essential part of our drama and theatre research activity.
Objectives of the Conference
The objectives of this conference is to bring together prominent scholars and practitioners from Indian Theatre, Modern Tamil Theatre, Folklore personalities and people from various academic circle to present their recent significant methods & findings and also discuss future trends, directions and new challenges in performing arts. This conference is an interdisciplinary organization of a number of specific themes and topics are drawn from a number of disciplines.
The con­fer­ence is open to per­form­ers, per­form­ing arts academicians, artists, play­wrights, the­atre crit­ics, jour­nal­ists, the­atre researcher and other related field personalities.
Call for Papers
Conference Themes
·         Contemporary Theatre Movements
·         Actor/Play/Director/Playwright
·          Language & Literature in Theatre
·         Theatre in Education
·         Gender Issues in Theatre
·         Traditional & Folk Theatre
·         Theatre, Media and Film Studies
·         The­atre, Dance, Music, visual and mul­ti­me­dia art
·         Technical aspects of the theatre (Lighting, Set, Make-Up, Design etc.,)
·         Theatre History and Politics
·         Theatre and Other Art Forms
·         Theories and Criticisms in Performance Studies
·          Audience Response and Reception Studies 
(The paper presenters are encouraged to extend beyond the given theme in an innovative way and explore the areas not studied properly hitherto)
Submission of Papers
Abstract not exceeding 500 words should be sent latest by 5th Nov 2013 through email to the following email address:  drvarumugham@gmail.com
The full paper should be sent on or before 15th Nov 2013 not exceeding 5,000 words. The language of the paper can be in either in English or in Tamil.
The submission of the paper should be accompanied by the following information:
1.      Name of the Author
2.      Designation
3.      Address
4.      Title of the paper
5.      Telephone or Mobile Number
6.      Email Address
Registration fee
Foreign Delegates: 1500/- with Food and accommodation 
Indian Delegates   : 750/- with Food and accommodation 
Research Scholars: 200/-

 On part of this International Conference, Thalai-K-Kol theatre group is organized Traditional and contemporary theatre festival on 6th, 7th, & 8th Dec 2013 at Evening.  

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